From the inception of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in 2000 to the subsequent formulation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 2030 Agenda in 2015, Caecilia Johanna van Peski has been generating action in support of a more safe, secure and equitable world. Through her work on SDG#16 ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’, she actively contributes to the building of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development


Protection of Civilians * Conflict Management * Early Warning * Vulnerabilities * Peacekeeping * Peace Building * Arms Control * Security Sector Reform * UNSCR1325 * Integrated Border Management * Border Monitoring * Demobilisation * Disarmament * Territorial Integrity * Buffer Zones * Cease-fire Observance


Conflict Prevention * Conflict Mitigation * Emergency Response * Disaster Relief * Dialogue Facilitation * Communication * Compliance * Confidence Building * Stabilisation-Mechanisms * Community Support * Reduction of Harm * CIMIC Projects/QIPs * Network Establishment * Information and Intelligence * Securing of Access


Good Governance * Transparency * Decentralisation * Representation * Pluralism * Electoral Reform * Election Observation * Electoral Management Bodies * Electoral Integrity * Ballot Access * Election-related Violence * Electoral Fraud * Voting Systems * Voter Registration * Voter Education * Referenda


Rule of Law * International Humanitarian Law * Integrity * Transparency * Sustainability * Diversity * Inclusion * Equity * Stability * Community * Civil Rights * Human Rights  * Gender Equality * Institution Building * Separation of Power * Minority Issues * Migration * Resilience * Climate Action