Caecilia Johanna van Peski (1970) is a Dutch national, youngest daughter of a Remonstrant Vicar (Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau) and granddaughter of a Shipbroker of Port of Rotterdam (Consul General of the Republic of Paraguay), whose family lineage dates back to the 19th Century Russian town of Pyski. Her mother was a Kindergarden teacher from De Bilt, who held a keen interest in Pedagogy and Music. Caecilia van Peski holds an MSc Degree in Educational & Cultural Psychology from Tilburg University (licensed PSYCHOLOOG-NIP, with minors in Psychotraumatology and Women Studies, 2001), an MA Degree in Civil-Military Interaction from the German Military Staff College in Hamburg (2021), and a Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) in Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership from the OSCE Border Management College in Dushanbe, Tajikistan (2021). She is a Commander in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Military Veteran and an authority in the field of Peace & Security, Civil-Military Interaction, Democracy & Elections and Rule of Law & Equity, whose achievements have received national and international recognition. Member-Select of the UN Senior Women Talent Pipeline (SWTP), SER TopVrouw (Netherlands Social Economical Council Woman of Distinction) and recipient of the ‘Ambassador for Peace’ Award granted by the Universal Peace Federation (2010), Caecilia van Peski is listed as one of the ‘Viva’ top 400 (2009) and among the top 100 of ‘Opzij’ (2010). In October 2010, she was appointed United Nations Special Representative for her country, addressing the 65th United Nations General Assembly in New York with her statement ‘Women, Peace, Security’. Caecilia van Peski has worked for (inter-)governmental, multilateral organizations, amongst which the Netherlands Foreign Office, the Netherlands Ministry of Defence, the United Nations (UNDP, DPKO), the European Union (EEAS), the European Commission (EIDHR), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR), the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Geneva Centre for Security (DCAF-ISSAT). Caecilia van Peski holds a number of governing positions, amongst which for EuroDéfense Netherlands (Secretary General), the Dutch United Nations Association (Chair UNA Netherlands Advisory Council) and – after receiving critical injuries whilst in mission – emerged a champion for the interests of (wounded) military personnel through her involvement in several associations of military veterans (Advisory Committee). Caecilia van Peski is a sought-after academic lecturer and public speaker, with appointments at Juniata College (US), Fordham University (US), Sungkyunkwan University (Republic of Korea), Bergen University (Norway), Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Autonomous Republic of Adjara), the NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence in The Hague and the Netherlands School for Peace Operations in Harskamp. Since 2019, she is appointed “Partnering for Peace” Academic Fellow at the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies in Huntingdon, PA, US. Caecilia van Peski has worked in over thirty (post-)conflict countries. Her geographical area of operations lies mainly in the Central and South Asian/Caspian Region, the Russian Federation, the Caucasus and the Balkan Area. She holds an academic interest in the politico-social history of the Russian Federation and its near abroad, 19th and 20th Century European History (incl. the emergence and further development of the European Union) and US-European relations (Transatlantism). From the inception of the UN Millennium Development Goals in 2000 to the subsequent formulation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals / UN 2030 Agenda in 2015, Caecilia van Peski has stimulated action in support of a more safe, secure and equitable world. Through her work on SDG 16 ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’, she actively contributes to the building of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. Caecilia van Peski is sensitive towards the plight of the underprivileged and the call for sustainment of a planet in need. In her three decades as a professional in Peace and Security, she has been able to alleviate human suffering and protect civilians and military in diverse environments that had armed conflict as a common denominator.


  • (2020 >) Maastricht University, The Netherlands. Ph.D Candidate in Political Sciences and Electoral Studies. Dissertation: ‘Separation of Distance: Conflict, Borderization and the Role of International Observation in the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • (2023) Diploma United Nations Women in Ceasefire and Security Arrangements Negotiation Course. United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UNDPPA), Mediation Support Unit, Peace and Security Unit. New York City (NY), USA
  • (2020 – 2021) OSCE Border Management Staff College (OSCE BMSC) Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Postgraduate Diploma in Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership Course (PgDip BSMSL-IV). Thesis: ‘Life along the Line of Contact: The Impact of Conflict on the Communities living along Ukraine’s Disputed Border Lines‘.
  • (2017 – 20) Helmut-Schmidt-Universität (HSU/UniBw H)/Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr (FüAkBw) – Military Staff College of the German Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany. Postgraduate Master of Arts (MA) of Civil-Military Interaction (M-CMI). Thesis Title: ‘Battle for Donbass: Civil Military Interaction and the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine
  • (2009 – 2009) Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation. Intensive Programme Russian Language & Culture Studies
  • (2005 – 2006) Radboud University, Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Postgraduate Degree International Development
  • (2004 – 2005) Utrecht University / National Commission for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO), The Netherlands. Postgraduate Degree Global Development Education
  • (1997 – 2001) University of Tilburg, The Netherlands. Master of Science (MSc) in Educational and Cultural Psychology (With Merits)
  • (1996 – 1997) University of Tilburg, The Netherlands. Examen Propaedeuticum in Social Sciences (With Honors)
  • (1989 – 1990) Teachers College Tilburg, The Netherlands. First year completed successfully
  • (1983 – 1989) Theresia Lyceum Tilburg, The Netherlands. Atheneum α (Grammar School)


  • (2024 – 2025) Office of the United States Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authorities (USSC). Military Gender Advisor. Duty station: West Bank – Ramallah
  • (2023 – 2024) Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN). Commander Directorate Integral Management & Governance, Bureau of Strategy, Advice and International Military Cooperation, Senior Staff Officer. Den Helder, The Netherlands
  • (2021 – 2023) Netherlands Ministry of Defence, Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN). Commander (OF-4/P4) German-Netherlands Military Mobility Office (DNO). EU External Action (EEAS), EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS), EU Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) – Military Mobility Project. The Hague, The Netherlands / Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • (2020 – 2021) NATO Resolute Support Mission (RSM). Transition Planner / Staff Officer (CJ5 Strategy & Planning) (OF-3/P3) Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan (CSTC-A). Camp HKIA, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • (2019 – 2019) DCAF-ISSAT The Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance – International Security Sector Advisory Team. Head Professional Development & Training (P4). Geneva, Switzerland
  • (2019 – 2019) The Baker Institute for Peace & Conflict Studies / Oller Centre for Peace and International Programs at Juniata College. “Partnering for Peace” Scholar-in-Residence / Academic Fellow (2019-2022). Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, US
  • (2016 – 2018) United Nations Development Programme / UN Volunteers: Chief, Peace Programming Section (P5). Bonn, Germany
  • (2014 – 2016) Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM). Monitoring Officer (P4) Donetsk/Kherson Patrol Hub, Deputy/Acting Patrol Hub Leader (P5) Mariupol Patrol Hub. Ukraine
  • (2012 – 2013) UPEACE The Hague/Leiden University The Hague Campus. Lecturer ‘Transforming War Economies’, International Public Management, Safety & Law Programme. The Hague, The Netherlands
  • (2011 – 2013) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of The Netherlands. Senior Policy Advisor (P4), Department for Human Rights, Gender, Good Governance and Humanitarian Aid. The Hague, The Netherlands
  • (2010 – 2011) European Union Monitoring Mission to Georgia (EUMM). Team Leader Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance (P4). Tbilisi/Gori, Republic of Georgia
  • (2009 – 2010) European External Action Services, Democracy and Election Observation Unit. Project Leader (P4) ‘Reform of the EU Election Observers’ Evaluation System. Brussels, Belgium
  • (2009 – 2009) IPCB-S International Police Coordination Board Afghanistan – Secretariat. Political Advisor (PolAd, P4). Kabul, Afghanistan
  • (2008 – 2010) BAZN Academy for Public Administration. Lecturer Governance, Democratisation, Civil Administration Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • (2004 – 2008) Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Fontys International Projects. International Project Manager. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • (2003 – 2004) Lysøen Museet – Museum on Norwegian Violinist Player and Music Composer Ole Bornemann Bull (1810 – 1880). Educational Specialist. Bergen, Norway
  • (1999 – 2004) Mundial Productions. Developer of Educational Materials ‘Mundial in the Classroom’. Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • (1997 – 2003) SOM DOBA (Fydes) Educational Consultancy. Psychologist / Counsellor. Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • (1993 – 1998) Institute Broers – Private Educational Institute. Teacher. Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • (1991 – 1991) Provinciale Ziekenhuisraad (National Council of Hospitals, Provincial Branch). Project Assistant (P3). Tilburg, The Netherlands

VISITING LECTURER (multi-annual)

  • Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU). Guest Lecturer Batumi International Summer University. Batumi, Autonomous Republic of Adjara (Georgia)
  • NATO Civil Military Centre of Excellence (NATO CIMIC CoE), The Hague, The Netherlands. Guest Lecturer / Subject Matter Expert ASCOPE/PMESII and Cross-Cultural Training
  • Netherlands School for Peace Operations (School voor Vredesmissies (SVV), Opleidings- en Trainings Commando (OTCO), Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Manoeuvre (OTCMAN). General-Major Winkelman Military Barracks, Harskamp, The Netherlands. UNMEoM Course (UN Military Experts on Mission) and UNPOL Training Course
  • Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus, The Bronx, NYC, USA, Women’s Faculty, Gender Studies
  • Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA. Baker Institute for Peace & Conflict Studies (‘Peace Fellow’ (2020); ‘Partnership for Peace’ Scholar-in-Residence (2019-2020))
  • Bergen University, Norway, Dep. of Comparative Politics, Course on Human Rights, Human Rights Monitoring & Election Observation
  • Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Republic of Korea, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Summer Intensive Programme
  • Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, School for Social and Behavioural Sciences, Department of Social Psychology
  • University of London, Birkbeck College, UK, School of Education, Communication & Language Sciences (ECLS)


  • Advisory Committee Kerk@cetera (2022)
  • Chair of the Advisory Committee of the Netherlands United Nations Association – UNA Netherlands (2019)
  • Member of the CISV Alumni Association Advisory Committee (2019-2022)
  • Secretary General EuroDéfense The Netherlands (2018-2021)
  • Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam (Israeli Jew and Arab Peace Initiative) (2018)
  • Advisory Committee Stichting Veteranen Brabant Zuid Oost (Veteran Organisation) (2017-2023)
  • Board Member of the International Table (diplomats table) of ‘Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit de Witte’ (2017)
  • Board of Advice Stichting Veteranen Hart van Brabant (Veteran Organisation) (2016-2023)
  • Executive Committee Remonstrant Brotherhood (Commissie tot de Zaken) (2016-2017)
  • Board of Recommendation United Netherlands – Radboud University Nijmegen (2014)
  • Board of Recommendation ‘Building Bridges’ (UN ‘He for She Campaign’) (2014)
  • Board of Recommendation Eindhoven Peace Centre Foundation (2013)
  • Advisory Committee Wounded Warriors The Netherlands (Veteran Organization) (2013-2020)
  • Advisor to the Board of PortAgora – Centre for European Co-operation (2013-2018)
  • Board Member Netherlands Society for International Affairs (NGIZ-Zuid) (2011)
  • Committee of Recommendation United Nations Student Association Groningen (SIB) (2011)
  • Board Member PAX (Stichting IKV, Interchurch Peace Council) (2009-2018) *) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate as part of ICAN – the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, 06 October 2017
  • Advisory Committee Foundation for Peace Sciences (SVW) (2005-2012)
  • Board Member Dutch United Nations Association (UNANL/NVVN) (2004-2017)
  • Board of Recommendation ‘Break down the Wall’ (Israel & Occupied Palestinian Territories Peace Initiative) (2009-2015)
  • Expanded Executive Committee CISV International (2005-2009) *) Awarded European Citizen’s Prize by the European Parliament, 16 October 2013
  • Trustee CISV The Netherlands (2002-2005)
  • General Board Member CISV The Netherlands (1998-2002)


  • Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network (BSWN) (2023)
  • The Netherlands Peacekeeping Network (VU Amsterdam) (2020)
  • FINABEL – European Interoperability Centre. European Army Innovation Platform (2020)
  • Royal Netherlands Association of Naval Officers (KVMO) (2019)
  • Royal Netherlands Association of Military Reservist Officers (KVNRO) (2019)
  • Dutch Business Round Table Geneva (DBRT) (2019)
  • NATO/CCOE Civil-Military Co-operation Community of Interest (2018)
  • Vrienden van Cobbenhagen (Tilburg University Exclusive Alumni Association) (2017)
  • Convention of Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament (CCADD) (2016)
  • Common Effort Community (2015)
  • Foundation Netherlands Atlantic Commission (AC) (2015)
  • International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) (2014)
  • ‘Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit De Witte’ – International Table (2014)
  • International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2013)
  • EuroDéfense (2013)
  • Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law (2012)
  • European Movement The Netherlands (EBN) (2012)
  • D66 – Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE Group / Renew Europe) (2009)
  • Member Netherlands Society for International Affairs (NGIZ) (2008)
  • Society for International Development (SID) (2007-2019)
  • Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) (2006-2012)
  • Amnesty International The Netherlands (2005-2019)
  • International Crisis Response Network (ICRN) (2004)
  • Vereniging Afgestudeerde Psychologen Tilburg – V.A.P.T. (Tilburg University Psychologists’ Alumni Association) (2001)
  • Psychological Association The Netherlands (NIP) (2001)


  • Member of the Oxford Diplomatic Society Board of Excellencies (2022)
  • Member-select ‘SER TopVrouwen’ (2022) – Social and Economical Council The Netherlands
  • Worldconnector, affiliate Earth Charter (2020)
  • Member-select of the United Nations Senior Women Talent Pipeline (2020)
  • Ambassador Diversity & Inclusion, Royal Netherlands Armed Forces (2019)
  • ‘Partnering for Peace’ Fellow Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Juniata College (2019-2022)
  • Nominated ‘Women in the Media Award’ by Media Platform VIDM – Vrouwen in de Media (2017)
  • Medal Holder ‘Pro Pace Unum’ European Union United for Peace, External Action Services – CPCC (2011)
  • Holder ‘Ambassador for Peace’ Award; Universal Peace Federation (2010)
  • Top-100 most influential Dutch Women, ‘Opzij’ ranking (2010)
  • United Nations Special Representative on Women; appointment by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of The Netherlands (2010)
  • Top-400 most influential Dutch Women; ‘Viva’ ranking (2009)
  • Recognition of outstanding contribution to CISV International’s Global Development (2009)
  • Holder ‘Talent in International Development’ Award; Dutch Society for International Affairs (2008)
  • Holder ‘Pact of Schokland UN Millennium Development Goals Accord ’ (Accord #47: Access to Higher Education) (2007)


  • Peski, C.J. van (2022). Trans-European Effects of the War in Ukraine. In: Juniata Voices (Juniata College), Huntingdon (PA), U.S., pp. 91-98.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2018). Where different Streams with different Sources mingle in One Sea: Maritime Security in The Black Sea Region (European Counter-Balance in the Aftermath of the NATO Summit 2018). Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Deutsche Bundeswehr, Interdisciplinary Research Network Maritime Security (iFMS), Hamburg, Germany, 4 September 2018
  • Peski, C.J. van (2014). United Nations Peacebuilding; constructing an Architecture of Peace. In: VN Forum, Volume 20, no. 2 (April)
  • Peski, C.J. van (2014). One-hundred Years of Peace and Justice at Peace Palace The Hague. In: VN Forum, Volume 20, no. 2 (April)
  • Peski, C.J. van (2013). Good Cop, Bad Cop. Georgia’s One Hundred Days of a New Democratic Dream. In: Security and Human Rights (former Helsinki Monitor). Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Volume 23, No. 1, July 2013, pp. 49-100
  • Peski, C.J. van (2012). International Education and Global Citizenship. In: Participation, Facilitation, and Mediation. Children and Young People in Their Social Contexts. Routledge Research in Education. Ed: C. Baraldi & V. Iervese, pp. 219-237. ISBN-13: 978-0415893145 / ISBN-10: 0415893143
  • Peski, C.J. (2012). Diplomacy and Life on Georgia’s Boundary Line. In: Security and Human Rights (former Helsinki Monitor). Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Volume 22, No. 11, December 2011, pp. 357-372
  • Peski, C.J. van (2011). International Election Observation and Democratisation. In: International Election Observation and the Assessment of Elections, Chapter 7, pp. 115-135. Statistics Netherlands & Maastricht University. ISBN: 978-90-357-1782-4
  • Peski, C.J. van, & Schmeets, H. (2011). The ‘C-factor’: impact of the nationality of observers on observing elections. In: International Election Observation and Assessment of Elections, Chapter 9, pp. 167-185. Statistics Netherlands & Maastricht University. ISBN: 978-90-357-1782-4
  • Peski, C.J. et al (2010). Afghanistan. Naar een begin van vrede in een onbegonnen oorlog. IKV Pax Christi (July 2010). Afghanistan; A beginning for peace in an impossible war
  • Peski, C.J. van (2010). VN-Resolutie 1325. Bescherming van Vrouwen in Situaties van Oorlog en Geweld. (UNSCR1325. Protection of Women in Situations of Conflict and Violence). In: AdRem Remonstrants Maandblad, Volume 21 Nr 6, August 2010
  • Peski, C.J. van (2010). Gelijkheidswalhalla. In: Tijdschrift Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek, Volume 2010-5 (May 2010), 09-10. Equity Walhalla, Journal of the Institute for Public and Politics
  • Peski, C.J. van (2009). Van Verzoening naar Vrede. In: VN Forum, Volume 2009-4 (December 2009), pp.47-54. From Reconciliation to Peace, United Nations Forum
  • Peski, C.J. van (2005). Vernieuwingen in het bekostigingssysteem voor school en schoolbegeleidingsdienst. In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 6, No. 3 (April), pp. 19-22. New financing systems in educational consultancy, Journal on Highly Giftedness
  • Peski, C.J. van (2005). Willen weten om te adviseren. In: De Psycholoog, Maandblad Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen. Volume 40, nr. 2 (February), pp. 83-84. Action-oriented models for the diagnosis of learning difficulties, Journal of Dutch Psychological Association
  • Peski, C.J. van (2005). Onderwijs in Scandinavië. Egalitaire onderwijssystemen; hetzelfde behandelen of gelijke mogelijkheden bieden? In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 7, No. 2 (March), pp. 09-11. Egalitarian educational systems in Scandinavia, Journal on Highly Giftedness
  • Peski, C.J. van & Zundert, A. van (2004). Mundial-Novib in de Klas: hoe groot is jouw wereld? In: Jeugd in School en Wereld (JSW), Maandblad voor het basisonderwijs, speciaal onderwijs en opleiding, Volume 88, No. 9 (May), pp. 32-35. Global Awareness Education, Journal for Teachers and Educators
  • Peski, C.J. van (2004). Gedompeld in cultuur. Diagnostiek bij allochtone leerlingen in het onderwijs. In: De Psycholoog, Volume 39, No. 4 (April), pp. 218-220. Diagnostic assessment of immigrant children. Journal of Dutch Psychological Association
  • Peski, C.J. van (2002). Meervoudige Intelligentie. Intelligentie als persoonlijke vingerafdruk. In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 4, No. 2 (March), pp. 27-28. Multiple Intelligence as a personal competence profile, Journal on Highly Giftedness
  • Lansu, T. & Peski, C.J. van (2001). Meervoudige Intelligentie en samenwerkend leren. Onderwijs toegesneden op de veelzijdigheid van leerlingen. In: Jeugd in School en Wereld (JSW), maandblad voor het basisonderwijs, speciaal onderwijs en opleiding, Volume 85, No. 9 (February), pp. 16-19. Multiple Intelligence & Cooperative Learning, Journal for Teachers and Educators