‘Interspectives’, Journal on Transcultural Education. CISV International Limited, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (2001 – 2005)
‘Ukraine Magazine’, Journal on Ukrainian Politics, Economy & Culture. Association Platform Ukraine, The Netherlands (1999 – 2006)
Peski, C.J. van (2025). ‘Wounded Healer’-Symptoms in Professionals Deployed in the Context of International Crisis Response. In: The Emotions and Ethics of Focussing on Mass Atrocities: Perspectives from Researchers, Teachers and Practitioners. 10 January 2025, pp. 00-00. Brill Publishers: Leiden (The Netherlands)
Peski, C.J. van (2022). Trans-European Effects of the War in Ukraine. In: Juniata Voices (Juniata College), Huntingdon (PA), U.S, 2 October 2022, pp. 91-98
Peski, C.J. van (2018). Where different Streams with different Sources mingle in One Sea: Maritime Security in The Black Sea Region (A Paper offering European Counter-Balance in the Aftermath of the NATO Summit 2018). Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Deutsche Bundeswehr, Interdisciplinary Research Network Maritime Security (iFMS), Hamburg, Germany, 4 September 2018
Peski, C.J. van (2014). United Nations Peacebuilding; constructing an Architecture of Peace. In: VN Forum, Volume 20, no. 2 (April)
Peski, C.J. van (2014). One-hundred Years of Peace and Justice at Peace Palace The Hague. In: VN Forum, Volume 20, no. 2 (April)
Peski, C.J. van (2013). Good Cop, Bad Cop. Georgia’s One Hundred Days of a New Democratic Dream. In: Security and Human Rights (former Helsinki Monitor). Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Volume 23, No. 1, July 2013, pp. 49-100
Peski, C.J. van (2012). International Education and Global Citizenship. In: Participation, Facilitation, and Mediation. Children and Young People in Their Social Contexts.Routledge Research in Education. Ed: C. Baraldi & V. Iervese, pp. 219-237. ISBN-13: 978-0415893145 / ISBN-10: 0415893143
Peski, C.J. (2012). Diplomacy and Life on Georgia’s Boundary Line. In: Security and Human Rights (former Helsinki Monitor). Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Volume 22, No. 11, December 2011, pp. 357-372
Peski, C.J. van (2011). International Election Observation and Democratisation. In: International Election Observation and the Assessment of Elections, Chapter 7, pp. 115-135. Statistics Netherlands & Maastricht University. ISBN: 978-90-357-1782-4
Peski, C.J. van, & Schmeets, H. (2011). The ‘C-factor’: impact of the nationality of observers on observing elections. In: International Election Observation and Assessment of Elections, Chapter 9, pp. 167-185. Statistics Netherlands & Maastricht University. ISBN: 978-90-357-1782-4
Peski, C.J. van (2010). VN-Resolutie 1325. Bescherming van Vrouwen in Situaties van Oorlog en Geweld. (UNSCR1325. Protection of Women in Situations of Conflict and Violence). In: AdRem Remonstrants Maandblad, Volume 21 Nr 6, August 2010
Peski, C.J. et al (2010). Afghanistan. Naar een begin van vrede in een onbegonnen oorlog. IKV Pax Christi (July 2010). (Afghanistan; A beginning for peace in an impossible war)
Peski, C.J. van (2010). Gelijkheidswalhalla. In: Tijdschrift Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek, Volume 2010-5 (May 2010), 09-10. Equity Walhalla, Journal of the Institute for Public and Politics
Peski, C.J. van (2009). 2009 Internationaal VN-Jaar van de Verzoening: Van Verzoening naar Vrede. In: VN Forum, Volume 2009/4 (December 2009), pp. 47-54. 2009 International UN Year of Reconciliation: From Reconciliation to Peace, United Nations Forum
Peski, C.J. van (2005). Vernieuwingen in het bekostigingssysteem voor school en schoolbegeleidingsdienst. In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 6, No. 3 (April), pp. 19-22. New financing systems in educational consultancy, Journal on Highly Giftedness
Peski, C.J. van (2005). Willen weten om te adviseren. In: De Psycholoog, Maandblad Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen. Volume 40, nr. 2 (February), pp. 83-84. Action-oriented models for the diagnosis of learning difficulties, Journal of Dutch Psychological Association
Peski, C.J. van (2005). Onderwijs in Scandinavië. Egalitaire onderwijssystemen; hetzelfde behandelen of gelijke mogelijkheden bieden? In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 7/No. 2 (March), pp. 09-11. Onderwijs in Scandinavië. Egalitaire Onderwijssystemen; hetzelfde behandelen of gelijke mogelijkheden bieden? (Egalitarian educational systems in Scandinavia), Journal on Highly Giftedness
Peski, C.J. van & Zundert, A. van (2004). Mundial-Novib in de Klas: hoe groot is jouw wereld? In: Jeugd in School en Wereld (JSW), Maandblad voor het basisonderwijs, speciaal onderwijs en opleiding, Volume 88, No. 9 (May), pp. 32-35. Global Awareness Education, Journal for Teachers and Educators
Peski, C.J. van (2004). Gedompeld in cultuur. Diagnostiek bij allochtone leerlingen in het onderwijs. In: De Psycholoog, Volume 39, No. 4 (April), pp. 218-220. Diagnostic assessment of immigrant children. Journal of Dutch Psychological Association
Peski, C.J. van (2002). Meervoudige Intelligentie. Intelligentie als persoonlijke vingerafdruk. In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 4/No. 2 (March), pp. 27-28. Multiple Intelligence as a personal competence profile, Journal on Highly Giftedness
Lansu, T. & Peski, C.J. van (2001). Meervoudige Intelligentie en samenwerkend leren. Onderwijs toegesneden op de veelzijdigheid van leerlingen. In: Jeugd in School en Wereld (JSW), Maandblad voor het basisonderwijs, speciaal onderwijs en opleiding, Volume 85/No. 9 (February), pp. 16-19. Meervoudige Intelligentie en Samenwerkend Leren; Onderwijs toegesneden op de veelzijdigheid van Leerlingen. (Multiple Intelligence & Cooperative Learning), Journal for Teachers and Educators
Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 134, No. 5, August 2024, pp. 18-19. ‘Leefruimte (Veerkracht)’ (‘Living Space (Resilience)’; bird-cage seller in the Old City of Jerusalem)
Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 134, No. 2, March 2024, pp. 20-21. ‘Anastasia’ (‘Anastasia’; Orthodox Easter at the Russian Dukhovnia in Jerusalem, Israel)
AdRem (Remonstrant Brotherhood). Op-Ed, Volume 35, No. 03, 03 April 2024, pp. 22. ‘Als vrijheid niet vanzelfsprekend is. Leven met de wetenschap dat morgen slechter zal zijn dan vandaag’ (‘When freedom is not self-evident. Living whilst knowing that tomorrow will be worse than today’)
Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 133, No. 7, November 2023, pp. 20-21. ‘Refuseniks’ (‘Refuseniks’; Life within Donetsk’s Jewish Community, Ukraine)
Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 133, No. 5, July 2023, pp. 16-17. ‘Nieuwe Liefde’ (‘New Love’; Breaking of Nova Khakhovka Dam, Ukraine)
Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 133, No. 1, February 2023, pp. 18-19. ‘Struisvogelpolitiek’ (‘Ostrich Farm’; Strategic Electricity Infrastructure at Arabat Strelka, Ukraine)
De Psycholoog, Volume 40, October 2005, No. 20, pp. 551. Psymail from… ‘Faeroese Syndroom’ (‘Faroese Syndrome’; Vestmanna, Faroe Islands)
Oekraïne Magazine – Journal on Ukrainian Politics, Economy and Culture. Volume 8, No. 2, Summer 2005, pp. 15. ‘An American Boy’
De Psycholoog, Volume 40, September 2005, No. 9, pp. 480. Psymail from… ‘De Zevende Zoon’ (‘The Seventh Son’; Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica)
De Psycholoog, Volume 40, April 2005, No. 4, pp. 222. Psymail from… ‘Op Herhaling’ (‘Repetition’; Graz Austria)
Interspectives, Journal on Transcultural Education (CISV International), Volume 20 ‘Quality Assurance in International Short Term Exchange Programmes’, 2004, pp. 32. Research Abstracts on Prejudice
Interspectives, Journal on Transcultural Education (CISV International), Volume 21 ‘Prejudice, Xenophobia & Stereotypes’, 2005/06, pp. 36-37. The Word of Difference Institute and Pyramid of Hate – Review of an Educational Methodology developed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation (2000). A World of Difference Anti-Bias Study Guide (Secondary Level). New York: Anti-Defamation League
Interspectives, Journal on Transcultural Education (CISV International), Volume 20 ‘Quality Assurance in International Short Term Exchange Programmes’, 2004, pp. 38. The Peace Factory: An Interactive Exhibition on Peace Education