• ‘Interspectives’, Journal on Transcultural Education. CISV International Limited, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (2001 – 2005)
  • ‘Ukraine Magazine’, Journal on Ukrainian Politics, Economy & Culture. Association Platform Ukraine, The Netherlands (1999 – 2006)


  • Peski, C.J. van (2022). Trans-European Effects of the War in Ukraine. In: Juniata Voices (Juniata College), Huntingdon (PA), U.S, 2 October 2022, pp. 91-98.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2018). Where different Streams with different Sources mingle in One Sea: Maritime Security in The Black Sea Region (A Paper offering European Counter-Balance in the Aftermath of the NATO Summit 2018). Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Deutsche Bundeswehr, Interdisciplinary Research Network Maritime Security (iFMS), Hamburg, Germany, 4 September 2018.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2014). United Nations Peacebuilding; constructing an Architecture of Peace. In: VN Forum, Volume 20, no. 2 (April).
  • Peski, C.J. van (2014). One-hundred Years of Peace and Justice at Peace Palace The Hague. In: VN Forum, Volume 20, no. 2 (April).
  • Peski, C.J. van (2013). Good Cop, Bad Cop. Georgia’s One Hundred Days of a New Democratic Dream. In: Security and Human Rights (former Helsinki Monitor). Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Volume 23, No. 1, July 2013, pp. 49-100.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2012). International Education and Global Citizenship. In: Participation, Facilitation, and Mediation. Children and Young People in Their Social Contexts.Routledge Research in Education. Ed: C. Baraldi & V. Iervese, pp. 219-237. ISBN-13: 978-0415893145 / ISBN-10: 0415893143
  • Peski, C.J. (2012). Diplomacy and Life on Georgia’s Boundary Line. In: Security and Human Rights (former Helsinki Monitor). Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Volume 22, No. 11, December 2011, pp. 357-372.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2011). International Election Observation and Democratisation. In: International Election Observation and the Assessment of Elections, Chapter 7, pp. 115-135. Statistics Netherlands & Maastricht University. ISBN: 978-90-357-1782-4
  • Peski, C.J. van, & Schmeets, H. (2011). The ‘C-factor’: impact of the nationality of observers on observing elections. In: International Election Observation and Assessment of Elections, Chapter 9, pp. 167-185. Statistics Netherlands & Maastricht University. ISBN: 978-90-357-1782-4
  • Peski, C.J. van (2010). VN-Resolutie 1325. Bescherming van Vrouwen in Situaties van Oorlog en Geweld. (UNSCR1325. Protection of Women in Situations of Conflict and Violence). In: AdRem Remonstrants Maandblad, Volume 21 Nr 6, August 2010
  • Peski, C.J. et al (2010). Afghanistan. Naar een begin van vrede in een onbegonnen oorlog. IKV Pax Christi (July 2010). (Afghanistan; A beginning for peace in an impossible war).
  • Peski, C.J. van (2010). Gelijkheidswalhalla. In: Tijdschrift Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek, Volume 2010-5 (May 2010), 09-10. Equity Walhalla, Journal of the Institute for Public and Politics.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2009). 2009 Internationaal VN-Jaar van de Verzoening: Van Verzoening naar Vrede. In: VN Forum, Volume 2009/4 (December 2009), pp. 47-54. 2009 International UN Year of Reconciliation: From Reconciliation to Peace, United Nations Forum.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2005). Vernieuwingen in het bekostigingssysteem voor school en schoolbegeleidingsdienst. In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 6, No. 3 (April), pp. 19-22. New financing systems in educational consultancy, Journal on Highly Giftedness.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2005). Willen weten om te adviseren. In: De Psycholoog, Maandblad Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen. Volume 40, nr. 2 (February), pp. 83-84. Action-oriented models for the diagnosis of learning difficulties, Journal of Dutch Psychological Association.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2005). Onderwijs in Scandinavië. Egalitaire onderwijssystemen; hetzelfde behandelen of gelijke mogelijkheden bieden? In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 7/No. 2 (March), pp. 09-11. Onderwijs in Scandinavië. Egalitaire Onderwijssystemen; hetzelfde behandelen of gelijke mogelijkheden bieden? (Egalitarian educational systems in Scandinavia), Journal on Highly Giftedness.
  • Peski, C.J. van & Zundert, A. van (2004). Mundial-Novib in de Klas: hoe groot is jouw wereld? In: Jeugd in School en Wereld (JSW), Maandblad voor het basisonderwijs, speciaal onderwijs en opleiding, Volume 88, No. 9 (May), pp. 32-35. Global Awareness Education, Journal for Teachers and Educators.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2004). Gedompeld in cultuur. Diagnostiek bij allochtone leerlingen in het onderwijs. In: De Psycholoog, Volume 39, No. 4 (April), pp. 218-220. Diagnostic assessment of immigrant children. Journal of Dutch Psychological Association.
  • Peski, C.J. van (2002). Meervoudige Intelligentie. Intelligentie als persoonlijke vingerafdruk. In: Talent, Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, Volume 4/No. 2 (March), pp. 27-28. Multiple Intelligence as a personal competence profile, Journal on Highly Giftedness.
  • Lansu, T. & Peski, C.J. van (2001). Meervoudige Intelligentie en samenwerkend leren. Onderwijs toegesneden op de veelzijdigheid van leerlingen. In: Jeugd in School en Wereld (JSW), Maandblad voor het basisonderwijs, speciaal onderwijs en opleiding, Volume 85/No. 9 (February), pp. 16-19. Meervoudige Intelligentie en Samenwerkend Leren; Onderwijs toegesneden op de veelzijdigheid van Leerlingen. (Multiple Intelligence & Cooperative Learning), Journal for Teachers and Educators.


  • Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 134, No. 2, March 2023, pp. 20-21. ‘Anastasia’ (‘Anastasia’; Orthodox Easter at the Russian Dukhovnia in Jerusalem, Israel)
  • AdRem (Remonstrant Brotherhood). Op-Ed, Volume 35, No. 03, 03 April 2024, pp. 22. ‘Als vrijheid niet vanzelfsprekend is. Leven met de wetenschap dat morgen slechter zal zijn dan vandaag’ (‘When freedom is not self-evident. Living whilst knowing that tomorrow will be worse than today’)
  • Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 133, No. 7, November 2023, pp. 20-21. ‘Refuseniks’ (‘Refuseniks’; Life within Donetsk’s Jewish Community, Ukraine)
  • Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 133, No. 5, July 2023, pp. 16-17. ‘Nieuwe Liefde’ (‘New Love’; Breaking of Nova Khakhovka Dam, Ukraine)
  • Marineblad, Magazine for Officers in the Royal Netherlands Navy, Guest Column – Volume 133, No. 1, February 2023, pp. 18-19. ‘Struisvogelpolitiek’ (‘Ostrich Farm’; Strategic Electricity Infrastructure at Arabat Strelka, Ukraine)
  • De Psycholoog, Volume 40, October 2005, No. 20, pp. 551. Psymail from… ‘Faeroese Syndroom’ (‘Faroese Syndrome’; Vestmanna, Faroe Islands)
  • Oekraïne Magazine – Journal on Ukrainian Politics, Economy and Culture. Volume 8, No. 2, Summer 2005, pp. 15. ‘An American Boy’
  • De Psycholoog, Volume 40, September 2005, No. 9, pp. 480. Psymail from… ‘De Zevende Zoon’ (‘The Seventh Son’; Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica)
  • De Psycholoog, Volume 40, April 2005, No. 4, pp. 222. Psymail from… ‘Op Herhaling’ (‘Repetition’; Graz Austria)
  • Interspectives, Journal on Transcultural Education (CISV International), Volume 20 ‘Quality Assurance in International Short Term Exchange Programmes’, 2004, pp. 32. Research Abstracts on Prejudice


  • Interspectives, Journal on Transcultural Education (CISV International), Volume 21 ‘Prejudice, Xenophobia & Stereotypes’, 2005/06, pp. 36-37. The Word of Difference Institute and Pyramid of Hate – Review of an Educational Methodology developed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation (2000). A World of Difference Anti-Bias Study Guide (Secondary Level). New York: Anti-Defamation League
  • Interspectives, Journal on Transcultural Education (CISV International), Volume 20 ‘Quality Assurance in International Short Term Exchange Programmes’, 2004, pp. 38. The Peace Factory: An Interactive Exhibition on Peace Education



  • Special Edition ‘VN Forum’ (‘UN Forum’), Publication by the United Nations Association The Netherlands – 24 October 2015 VN Forum